Aliens continue to be a popular topic in our culture. YouTube is just littered with videos about alien races and their culture. Tests can be found anywhere on the internet regarding whether or not one is a member of these races. Indeed, I have taken several of these, only to find that not a single one of them prove anything, and none of the results from one test agreed with the results from another test.
Easter Sunday is April first this year. Ironically, that is also April Fools day. In truth, I have already begun to see the bad jokes on Facebook regarding this. The worst one goes out of its way to imply that the Christian faith is a lie. Pretty petty in my honest opinion.
What do extraterrestrials and Easter being on April first have in common? Not much. However, it is a sad showing about society that people find it easier to believe in extraterrestrials that we have no real proof of, than it is to believe in a God who has given us his revealed word, and even sent his son to die for our sins.
Oddly enough, there really is a good laugh in all of this. Since the advent of digital cameras and mobile media devices, reports of UFO sightings have dropped tremendously. It really should make people wonder what is going on. To that end, I will still contend, unless proven wrong, that so-called alien sightings are really demonic manifestations.
Now then, if people want to insist that the Christian faith is a lie, then there is only one thing that can prove such an assertion. This one thing is both exceedingly simple and completely impossible. It couldn't be done over two thousand years ago, and it still can't be done today. What is this one thing? Quite simply, produce the body of Christ Jesus. That is it. Show the world the body of the one known of as Jesus Christ, and the Christian faith will be destroyed. The priests and scribes of the Sanhedren couldn't do it when the first reports of the resurrection happened, and they knew exactly where the grave was. Nor could the disciples have stolen the body, as eleven men with one sword to share wouldn't have been much of a match for a squad of well trained Roman soldiers, the self same soldiers who were guarding the tomb that the body was buried in. If it couldn't be done over two thousand years ago, then it is highly unlikely that it can be done today.
Easter may be on April first this year, but the real joke is on those who don't believe. The truth of the resurrection is an established historical fact. It has not, and can not be disproven. Christ is risen, he is risen indeed. Amen.
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