Sunday, July 30, 2017

Demonic Aliens

You don't have to work in the shipping industry to see a trailer on the road. Indeed, if you have ever rented a U-haul or other such truck, you have probably seen the inside of a trailer. Now it matters little to me if a trailer is 32, 45, 48, or 53 feet long. Regardless of the length, there really is a lot of space in a trailer. If loaded right, you could easily pack everything in a modestly sized three bedroom house into one of these with room to spare. Oddly, it always seems that no matter how much is packed in, it seems like I miss 1% of the total trailer capacity.
Our universe, in comparison to ourselves, seems quite large. Indeed, the universe is quite expansive. Simple truth, we don't know how big the universe really is. We have estimates regarding how distant one star is from another, including from our own star to its nearest neighbor, which is Proxima Centauri at 4.24 light years away. However, here is a question, how accurate is that number? Is the speed of light truly constant? We don't really know. We presume a constant, but we also discuss things that can distort or otherwise alter the speed of light, including differences in terms of a vacuum, in a gaseous environment, and through water.
Given the size of our universe and that there is life on this planet, what of other planets? That is a tricky question. Scientists presume what are called "exoplanets", that is to say planets outside our solar system that orbit other stars. However, just having a planet orbiting a star is not enough. The planet must sit within what is called the "habitable zone" for there to exist a chance of life. Our own solar system has three such planets, yet only one has life on it. That planet is Earth.
This is not the first time I've discussed the origin of life. However, this is the first time I've discussed extraterrestrials. Let me note that I am not completely opposed to the idea, but I do make a distinction regarding such things. That distinction includes my belief that our planet is being bombarded with massive deception within this realm of study.
Lets back up. As we are all aware, there are those who believe life evolved on Earth. This includes the evolution of life from non-life, also known as abiogenesis. Statistically, this has been demonstrated as being impossible and there, as of yet, not been a single study or test to prove this belief is even remotely viable. All such tests have actually proven that abiogenesis could not happen at all. This creates a problem for determining where did life come from. One attempt to solve the problem is to move it. This is where we get into extraterrestrials.
Logically, if life evolved on Earth, then it most certainly had to have evolved someplace else, and quite possibly first, or so the idea goes. This, in turn, spawns the idea that highly advanced beings from another star have been and continue to come to our planet, annoying, abducting and taunting us with their presence and technology. However, is any of this true?
MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, is an organization that catalogs UFO sightings and alien abductions. However, they also hide some reports. These hidden reports are the one that are most interesting, as they are perhaps the most revealing of the whole UFO phenomena. Specifically, there are a set of alien abduction reports in which the abductees reportedly called upon God the Father, Lord Jesus, the Most Holy Spirit, or the Blessed Virgin, and the abduction stopped about as abruptly as it began. Why, we might ask, would MUFON want to hide these types of reports?
The answer to this is actually quite simple. Understand that we really are talking about extraterrestrials. However, we are not discussing aliens from another planet. In the 1800's, Alexander Crowley was purported to have seen and drawn the physical manifestation of a demon. He is also quoted as saying "Today they call them angels and demons, tomorrow they will call them something else". Something else? It may almost seem obvious that this was the plan all along. The demons have always planned to deceive us into believing in aliens from another planet.
In the words of the Apollo 13 astronauts, "Houston we have a problem". The problem is that of a massive deception by fallen beings who seek to take us to Hell with them. Indeed, in Matthew 25:41 we read of the Lake of Fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels. This is a place of everlasting torment, and Satan is NOT the ruler of it, he is slated to spend eternity there as a prisoner. This is a fate that we should all desire to avoid.
Genesis 1:1 states very clearly that "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth". God created the universe in such a way as to show his power and majesty so that we would be without excuse. No place in the Bible does it state that God created life anywhere other than Earth. To date, none of our probes have found evidence of life on Mars or elsewhere in the solar system. Oddly, it is most likely that if they did, it may prove that it originated here on Earth.
We must take God at his word and trust what he claims he did, starting with the book of Genesis and going through the Gospels, where we learn of God's plan of redemption through Christ Jesus being crucified and buried. Yet, that is not the end of the story. We must further believe that Jesus rose again, ascended to the Father and will return someday to judge all humanity and restore the Earth. Only then can we see past this deception and in seeing past it, we can expose it.
Satan is a called, and rightly so, the "Father of lies". He has sought for centuries to deceive humanity by lies and conveniences, so that we might reject the truth of God's plan for humanity. If we stand firm on God's word, Satan can not overpower or deceive us.
There are those who claim that there is no god. Such are often called atheists. Oddly, they fail to note that they can not prove that God does not exist. True, we who are called Christians can not directly prove that God does exist. We simply believe God based upon his revealed word, that is the Holy Bible. We don't know what 1% of the universe is. Neither do the atheists. To know what 1% of the universe would require an awareness of the other 99%, something that even NASA can't claim. However, we who are called Christians can claim that though we don't know what 1% of the universe is, we do know the God who knows perfectly what 100% of the universe is, because he created it.
Demons have and continue to deceive humanity. Today they pretend that they are being from alien worlds. They seek to deceive us into believing that life evolved on Earth and has also evolved elsewhere, despite all evidence to the contrary. Evolution is one of the best lies that Satan uses to deceive humanity. Demons claiming themselves as aliens from another planet help to perpetuate this lie.
Don't be deceived. Christ Jesus died upon the cross for your sins. He was buried and he rose again. By trusting him and his word, you can withstand the lies of Satan and his angels,thus you will be able to avoid an eternity in the Lake of Fire.
Perhaps, someday, I will figure out how to completely fill a trailer to 100%. However, as long as I am on this side of the veil of eternity, I will never know what 1% of the universe truly is. However, I am confident in the Lord my God, who knows what 100% of the universe is, down to the smallest particles. If there was life on other planets, he would have told us. He never once said anything about it, and even made it clear that Adam's sin cursed all of creation. Thus, Adam's sin brought a curse upon the whole of the universe. Someday the curse will be lifted and someday I will see what 1% and 100% of the universe is. All of this because of what Jesus did upon the cross. What about you?

The above is from Christopher Rose over at Forklift Theology. He has been writing for a good number of years, and this is one of his best.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Tacoma Ghosts

Tacoma Washington is a very interesting place. With places like the Tacoma Dome, and the Brown and Halley factory (where the world famous almond roca bars are made), you'd almost expect that something of the supernatural would be afoot. You'd be right.

I care not to bore you will all that is known of supernatural sightings in this quirky city in the Pacific Northwest. However, I will speak very specifically of the ghost that is said to haunt Point Defiance Park located in the Northwestern part of Tacoma. It is an odd tale, but is also well documented.

The story goes that back in the 1980's a young girl named Jennifer was kidnapped and possibly murdered someplace within the park, which is where her body was found. At the time of her abduction, she had be purported to have been riding her bicycle. Now it does seem odd at first glance, as you might wonder how important a bicycle can be to a ghost story, but let me assure you that it truly is important.

The details tend to vary from sighting to sighting. However, there are three generally agreed upon things.

1. Her bicycle can be heard in the dead of night when nobody is present.

2. If you do happen to see her, she will be smiling, but she will not have any eyes. Some reports claim that there are just black circles where her eyes should be.

3. She always appears in the region of the Five Mile Drive near where you can see the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

I have personally visited this park during the hours in which she is said to be sighted. However, none of my own visits have presented anything to confirm this report. I can not say with any certainty that this specter doesn't exist. However, I would be hesitant to say that it does not exist. Why?

1. There is an unsettling cold draft in the area around the times in which she is purported to show up, and this draft can be felt during the summer when it is still quite warm. I have experienced this myself.

2. There is also a certain sense of displacement, like something doesn't belong during this particular time of day.

My own observations are that there isn't enough information, thus my opinion at this time is "Inconclusive". I have read many of the reports regarding people claiming to see something, and I don't dare discount there belief that something is there. Exactly what it is has yet to been discerned. Perhaps it is merely an urban legend, one that people believe because of it's apparently credible nature. Perhaps it a demon masquerading as a deceased child, attempting to deceive people, or otherwise scare them into believing something that isn't actually true.

Perhaps I may yet make my way back towards this park, and visit that location again. Perhaps then I may find an answer to this strange haunting, whether it be urban legend or demonic activity. If it be merely an urban legend, then it is safe to dismiss. If it be a demon, then it is right to desire an exorcism upon this region. However, to perform such a rite on such a large area is beyond my understanding, and may require many priests to perform such a feat.

I would encourage wisdom and caution in venturing forth to investigate this phenomenon. As I have stated already, it may merely be an urban legend, based upon the fact that the body of dead child was found in the park. However, it may also be that a demon is running amok in Point Defiance. At this time, I can not conclusively say which it is.

If you should choose to investigate, here are my suggestions:

1. Talk with local police/park staff in advance. It is best to inform them of your intent, as it can be a misdemeanor to be found in the park after dusk.

2. Prepare in advance. Take time to pray, and perhaps consider going to confession. Demons have a way of knowing things, and unconfessed sins are among things demons seem to enjoy, as well as a lack of repentance on the part of those who happen upon their paths.

3. Consider bringing a priest with you. You are dealing with the possibility of coming face to face with a demon, a priest will be more aptly trained for this than many who are laity, though exceptions do exist.

4. Use a car. This should seem like common sense, but there is a good reason for this. Some reports indicate that if you do see her, she will likely give chase. While there are no reports of her catching up to anyone, there is no need to take any unnecessary risks. If you, or your chosen priest, proves unprepared for an encounter, you had best be prepared to escape, and quickly. Nobody should risk being the first victim of her chasing and actually catching them.

As with all demonic activity, I don't advise that anyone actually seeks it out. However, I am not at liberty to forbid such actions. Likewise, I refuse to accept any liability for attempt to investigate this phenomenon. I write this only to inform as to the existence of potential activity, not to encourage anyone to seek it out. If you do decide to investigate, you best understand that you do so at your own risk. I would sooner that you seek the advice of a professional. Amateur exorcists, especially those who have no real understanding of this doctrine, only risk pain or possible death seeking these things.

There are apparently other ghost stories about the city of Tacoma. Some are, likewise, found at Point Defiance. There are yet others as well, including a specter said to haunt the Tacoma Dome. I may write of these apparitions in future posts.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Freedom Thoughts

I write this on the 4th of July 2017. Personally, I'm not one for fireworks or excessive drinking. I don't mind a couple of beers though. Regardless of how we use our Christian freedom, it must never be something to cause our neighbor to stumble. To that end, I do think it best that we consider carefully that some have made great and terrible sacrifices for our freedom. Whether they served in the military or as member of the local police or sheriff department, they have made sacrifices that the protected can never truly understand.

Some might dare to ask "What sacrifices?" I would be quick to respond with loss of life, loss of limbs, loss of family, and lost of friends. Freedom has always had a very high cost, a cost every veteran, whether military, police, or firefighter understands all too well. Priests also understand this loss, having heard the struggles, and shared the tears of families who've lost loved ones who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. Freedom has a cost. That cost is very high.

Just how high is the cost of freedom? Think of it this way, would you want to spend $4.9 million dollars on a private jet, just to crash it into the ground? Probably not. Yet, that is how freedom is treated. Rather than considering the awful cost of freedom, and accepting the responsibility it brings, it is trashed by those who do not care. Much like throwing pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6 RSV).

Please enjoy your freedom this day. Please also take care that you consider well the responsibility that freedom entails.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Demons Abound

For an introductory posting, I would like to discuss one of the most common misconceptions among humans. It is the idea that demons and angels don't exist. Nothing could be further from the truth. If anything, demons would like nothing more than for you to believe that they don't exist. It fits the narrative. Namely, if you don't believe they exist, you are less likely to believe in God, who will hold you accountable for your sins. If you don't believe in God, and thus go about doing what you want to do, regardless of how it affects others, it is easier for demons to drag to Hell, as misery loves company.

It is not uncommon to hear the phrase "The Devil Made Me Do It". This is not necessarily true. He may have influenced your thinking, but it was really your own sinfulness that caused you to take a particular action. Blaming the devil is just a way of trying to excuse our poor decisions and sinful actions. It also gives Satan more credit than he rightly deserves.

What does this have to do with demons not wanting us to believe they exist?

Simple. If you lampoon something long enough, people will stop taking it seriously. This is why sin has become so prevalent in our modern era. For the last four decades, we've laughed at and marginalized sin to a point where very few things are still considered sin, and even those few items are constantly being marginalized and rationalized. Likewise, so it is with demons.

Spend enough time blaming demons for your bad behavior, or marginalizing what they truly are (created beings), and you will eventually stop believing in them. Satan is not some being in a red suit with a pitchfork and a pointy tail. If anything, he probably loves that charicature, as it helps to obfuscate his true nature, that of a fallen angel. This is part and partial to his nature, as lies and half-truths are all a part of his game.

Be not deceived. Demon and angels do exist. Recognizing that fact is one of the first steps towards recognizing why our world is in the state that it is in. Recognizing, also, that we are sinful by nature and in need of repentance is the first step in overcoming that self-same sinful nature.