Monday, March 19, 2018

Black Eyed.....DEMONS!

Demonic activity in our world is no surprise. It shouldn't be. If you have followed this blog for very long, you know well that I tend towards posts regarding demonic activity. As an exorcist, that really is my primary function, to expose this activity for what it is, and to prevent those that oppose God the Father Almighty from deceiving people.

I have been aware of an unusual demonic manifestation of demonic activity for a while now. The first accounts I read were in Western Europe. This manifestation is known of as "Black Eyed Kids" or "BEK". Just for clarity, we are not talking about somebody who just got badly clobbered and has two "black eyes". No, this is something worse. What we are discussing is a manifestation in the form of children with pure black eyes.

I suppose one might ask what is meant by "pure black eyes", and you'd be right to ask. I am not a doctor, so please don't take my word for it, as I am not qualified to give medical advice, but to better describe it, picture an eye with no iris (the colored part) or sclera (the white part). All you have is an eye that is pure pupil. That is it, nothing else. This is what is meant by pure black eyes. This is how this particular demonic manifestation has come to be known as "Black Eyed Kids" or "BEK".

BEK manifestations typically seem to follow a similar pattern. They always come in two. There are some odd reports of instances involving a lone individual, but they seem to be isolated events, but two is the normative account. In all cases, the request is made to either make a phone call or for a ride someplace. In either case, once you let them in they are free to do as they please. Typically, this involves some form of bodily harm, often leading to death.

There are stories of survivors of this phenomena, as should be expected, or there would be no reports of this type of manifestation. In all cases, when the request is made, the victim is fearful and yet feels a strong desire to do as requested. Even if the victim does resist, it is likely that BEK may still attempt to coerce the victim into doing as they ask, or they may attempt to overpower the victim and murder them without the request being fulfilled, though it is atypical.

As with all demonic manifestations, it must be understood that demons do not have our best interest in mind. No, they desire only harm unto us. Those who have run from a BEK sighting have been quite right to do so. This is what I would counsel for anyone who encounters demonic activity, regardless of type. Only a qualified exorcist should confront a demon, and it should only be after they have prepared themselves.Even then, they should never go alone, nor should they independently seek out such things.

If you ever encounter such phenomena, do not talk to these beings. They are to be avoided at all cost. If they ask to come in to make a phone call, or ask for a ride, refuse. Yes, they will be irate. Stand firm, they typically can not do anything if you don't allow them in. It has been reported that prior to mass murder scenes, there was a BEK sighting in the area. I won't say all such scenes are BEK events, but I would not be surprised as how many were, including the Dyatlov Pass incident, as most BEK sightings tend to happen in isolated/rural areas. I will review the Dyatlov Pass incident in another entry, but I leave the reader now with information, and the afore written warning regarding the BEK phenomena. I also ask the reader to report such sightings to the nearest priest if they can. I know it will be difficult, and some priests will not take you seriously, but you must report it, in a confessional if possible. God's power is greater than any demon, and it is to him we should all turn in such times, as he is our refuge.

Sunday, February 11, 2018


The more I can YouTube, the more convinced I become that people are desperate to find extraterrestrials. It seems like there are both scientific and new age type ideas about finding, and making contact with, extraterrestrials. There is also an incredible amount of inconsistency about contacting them, and what they might be like. Then there are those who claim that we are already in contact with them, which is what we are looking at.

For the record, I am still firmly convinced that these so-called extraterrestrials are merely demons. I am also convinced that they don't want people knowing what they are or their real agenda. I can't say that I completely know their agenda, but I am quite aware of the primary plan, which is to deceive humanity into sin, so that as many humans as possible will suffer an eternity in Hell, along side this demons who presently pose as being extraterrestrial beings.

I think it safe to say that most of us have watched an episode or two of Star Trek, or we've seen a couple of Star Wars movies. In both cases, we see highly advanced technology capable of propelling large spacecraft across vast distances of interstellar space. We have also seen that there is the abundant use of radio-telecommunication equipment, even across these vast distances. Yes, there is also the use of telepathy, but it is quite limited in range, yet there lies the concern.

It should seem odd to think that anyone would not know what telepathy is, but just in case, it is basically the idea of being able to communicate without speaking, by sharing thoughts directly. Oddly, there was even an episode of Gilligan's Island that was devoted to this idea, in which the castaways found a tree in which eating the seeds permitted one to know what somebody else was thinking. In the end, Gilligan burned the tree because of all the problems it began to cause among them.

What does this have to do with channelling aliens? Quite a bit actually. Earlier I mentioned YouTube. There is a video on YouTube that claims that you can contact an extraterrestrial from the Pleiades. You don't have to take my word for it, just look it up on YouTube. There is a ritual involved in this, much like there was for the "elevator game". However, this ritual must be done in bed, and it actually is not opening you up for contact with extraterrestrials, it is opening you up for possible demonic possession, as you are not channelling an extraterrestrial, rather a demon. Much like the "elevator game", it is my opinion that you should not attempt this, and this actually makes the "elevator game" seem safe.

Ultimately, the ritual should seem counterintuitive. If Alien being were going to contact us, they would not use some form of telepathy, as this ritual implies. The fact is that such beings, capable of traveling vast distances of interstellar space, should have the ability to communicate with us via ordinary means. Our society is fairly advanced in terms of technology. We've sent robotic probes to another planet within our own stellar system, we've sent another probe to travel into deep space with the hope of it contacting extraterrestrial life. On a planetary level, we have computers and wireless networking systems. Many of us still use television and radio equipment. To that end, an advanced technological race would have the knowledge and capability of communicating with us in the common. The fact that most of us carry some form of mobile media communication device improves the odds of alien contact, though there is no known record.

There will be those who will criticize me for saying that these being would, or should, contact us via ordinary means, but there is a good reason for that type of contact. There are no known instances of the use of telepathy in modern society. Certainly a few street magicians can pull a trick or two that looks like telepathy, but that is merely a trick with a gimmick, nothing more. In terms of real telepathy, aside from those possessed of demons, there is nothing that can be proven. Yes, demons do like to play games, such as mind reading and such. Seriously, these beings are out to deceive us.

Oddly, the YouTube video regarding how to channel a being from the Pleiades has an interesting warning in it. It says very clearly to not do it if you are afraid of channelling a demon. That really should be very telling. If this were a bona fide way to contact an extraterrestrial, there would be no need for such a warning.

The Bible is very clear about summonings and such. In short, don't. Familiar spirits and the like only seek to deceive, seeming friendly, they desire only for us to spend an eternity in the Lake of Fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels. To that end, short of a genuine encounter, in which I not only the spacecraft with my own eyes, and shake hands with a genuine extraterrestrial being, I am fully convinced that these beings who claim to be extraterrestrials are really demons, and desire our demise.

I will end with this. If extraterrestrials exist, they should have the technology to locate me, no matter where I am. To that end, if they desire to prove me wrong, they are welcome to find me and prove to me, in a very public and open manner, that they exist. They can meet me at church, or work. They can come find me while I'm buy groceries, or out to a movie. Just like any other human, I have a working mobile media communication device, which also tracks where I go. Any technologically advanced society should find it simple to lock onto it, and come find me. So, if any supposed aliens do read this, and your aims are truly benevolent, then come meet me, face to face, and prove me wrong. I am quite convinced this won't happen, as demons are not necessarily apt to do this.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Joke's on you.

Aliens continue to be a popular topic in our culture. YouTube is just littered with videos about alien races and their culture.  Tests can be found anywhere on the internet regarding whether or not one is a member of these races. Indeed, I have taken several of these, only to find that not a single one of them prove anything, and none of the results from one test agreed with the results from another test.

Easter Sunday is April first this year. Ironically, that is also April Fools day. In truth, I have already begun to see the bad jokes on Facebook regarding this. The worst one goes out of its way to imply that the Christian faith is a lie. Pretty petty in my honest opinion.

What do extraterrestrials and Easter being on April first have in common? Not much. However, it is a sad showing about society that people find it easier to believe in extraterrestrials that we have no real proof of, than it is to believe in a God who has given us his revealed word, and even sent his son to die for our sins.

Oddly enough, there really is a good laugh in all of this. Since the advent of digital cameras and mobile media devices, reports of UFO sightings have dropped tremendously. It really should make people wonder what is going on. To that end,  I will still contend, unless proven wrong, that so-called alien sightings are really demonic manifestations.

Now then, if people want to insist that the Christian faith is a lie, then there is only one thing that can prove such an assertion. This one thing is both exceedingly simple and completely impossible. It couldn't be done over two thousand years ago, and it still can't be done today. What is this one thing? Quite simply, produce the body of Christ Jesus. That is it. Show the world the body of the one known of as Jesus Christ, and the Christian faith will be destroyed. The priests and scribes of the Sanhedren couldn't do it when the first reports of the resurrection happened, and they knew exactly where the grave was. Nor could the disciples have stolen the body, as eleven men with one sword to share wouldn't have been much of a match for a squad of well trained Roman soldiers, the self same soldiers who were guarding the tomb that the body was buried in. If it couldn't be done over two thousand years ago, then it is highly unlikely that it can be done today.

Easter may be on April first this year, but the real joke is on those who don't believe. The truth of the resurrection is an established historical fact. It has not, and can not be disproven. Christ is risen, he is risen indeed. Amen.