Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Freedom Thoughts

I write this on the 4th of July 2017. Personally, I'm not one for fireworks or excessive drinking. I don't mind a couple of beers though. Regardless of how we use our Christian freedom, it must never be something to cause our neighbor to stumble. To that end, I do think it best that we consider carefully that some have made great and terrible sacrifices for our freedom. Whether they served in the military or as member of the local police or sheriff department, they have made sacrifices that the protected can never truly understand.

Some might dare to ask "What sacrifices?" I would be quick to respond with loss of life, loss of limbs, loss of family, and lost of friends. Freedom has always had a very high cost, a cost every veteran, whether military, police, or firefighter understands all too well. Priests also understand this loss, having heard the struggles, and shared the tears of families who've lost loved ones who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. Freedom has a cost. That cost is very high.

Just how high is the cost of freedom? Think of it this way, would you want to spend $4.9 million dollars on a private jet, just to crash it into the ground? Probably not. Yet, that is how freedom is treated. Rather than considering the awful cost of freedom, and accepting the responsibility it brings, it is trashed by those who do not care. Much like throwing pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6 RSV).

Please enjoy your freedom this day. Please also take care that you consider well the responsibility that freedom entails.

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