Saturday, December 9, 2017

Let's Play a Game

Most people like games. They can often serve as a distraction from issues in life around us. This is especially true of video games. However, there is a universal constant with games, they all have rules. Some games allow for variants, also known as house rules. Such is often the game with the game of Uno, in which people sometimes allow various draw cards (including the wild draw 4) to be stacked upon each other until a player can not play, thus forcing that player to draw the total accumulation of draw cards stacked. Other games do not permit such variation. The Elevator Game is one of those in which variation is not permitted, at the possible risk of an unspecified consequence.

What is the Elevator Game?

In short, it is a ritual involving an elevator in a building of ten stories or higher. The supposed purpose of the game is to enter into another dimension/world/universe. Admittedly, I am quite skeptical when it comes to the notion of dimensional travel, however, those who have played this game have had various experiences that at times countermand my skepticism. I will include the appropriate steps for playing this "game", but I caution anyone to think twice before attempting.

Why do I caution people to think twice before attempting? I have a couple of reasons.

1. If the ritual works, you have little guarantee that you will return.

2. There is actually a report of a mysterious death that may be associated with playing this game.

3. You are actively tempting forces and powers that are clearly of the supernatural, which may be demonic in nature.

The Mysterious Death

On the 19th of February in 2013, the body of Elisa Lam was recovered from a water tank atop the Cecil Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. There is no clear indication of how she got into the tank. However, she was in the tank, and dead. What is known is that before her death, she was caught on camera, in a possible panic, and hitting various buttons on the elevator console. Was she a victim of the elevator game? Too hard to say. Here is footage of that incident:

Did it work?

There is another video, which is linked below, though easily findable via Youtube, of a guy who attempted the Elevator Game and supposedly succeeded. However, contrary to what is typically claimed of the elevator game, this guy did not see a darkened building or a red cross. There is no discernable difference between the world he got on the elevator in and the world he was in when he got off the elevator. Here is that video:

However, let me give a critique of this video. Yes, it worked. That is to say that when he pressed the button for the first floor, which is the last step in the ritual, it did actually go up to the tenth floor. However, he made some grave errors. These errors, if the ritual was truly successful, can not be undone. Before I begin, let me note that the woman/girl did not enter the elevator at the fifth floor (more on this later). To that end, he got really lucky, but possibly not lucky enough.

1. When he reached the tenth floor the first time, he did not get back in the elevator, rather he took the stairs back to the ground floor. The rules start clearly that you must take the elevator back down, in reverse sequence to how you got to the tenth floor.

2. He did this a second time in the same day. Some claims regarding this ritual indicate that you open yourself to possibly being taken to Hell if you do this twice in the same day. Given he was already successful in getting the elevator to go to the tenth floor when hitting the button for the first floor once already, he should not have tempted fate.

3, On the second attempt, he did take the elevator back down to the first floor, but he failed to reverse the sequence. Additionally, he gives an indication that he may have spoken with the girls who got on the elevator at the third floor. I have heard it said that when doing this ritual, when going back down, do not speak to anyone who gets on the elevator until you are at the first floor and off the elevator, as you don't know that you aren't speaking to a demon.

As it stands, if the ritual were successful, then our friend in this video is now stranded in an alien dimension, specifically ours. That is correct. If he was truly successful, he is now a visitor from another universe and his alternate selves are equally trapped in either of the other two universes he has been through, his original and the first one he arrived in.

Not my world.

There is a story floating about the internet of a girl who attempted the Elevator Game with her friends. Doing this her friends was her first mistake. The story goes that when they reached the fifth floor, the woman appeared and got on. However, the next, and last mistake, was that of looking at and/or speaking to the woman. She apparently looked liked Samara from the movie "The Ring". The person who wrote this story says that she was then attacked by the woman and then she passed out. When she awoke, she was in her bed, but everything was different, including the fact that her friends were missing as if they had never existed. Sadly, this is consistent with the warning regarding anything going with the ritual.

Added 29 December 2018:

Blood and Scratches.

I can not explain this one. I can point out the mistakes they made, but I am unable to explain the bloodstains or the scratches, which were not there when these guys entered the elevator. Also, there is a brief point at which you do see the face of a girl. It is at the 12:50 mark in the video and I will post it below. It is faint and very brief, but it is there. As for the mistakes that were made, they are as follows:

1. Two people in the elevator.
2. Taking the elevator immediately back to the first floor.
3. The looked at the girl.

As they did not get off the elevator, it seems safe to presume that they are from and have managed to remain in our dimension. If they are wise, they would not consider ever attempting this again, as there are stories that the girl (ghost/demon) is vindictive and she isn't finished with them. My personal advice is that they take the stairs for the foreseeable future and beyond.

To the immediate right of the picture (the guy's left) there is what seems like unto the faded image of a woman or girl. Yep. This is the first image I have ever seen of the apparition that supposedly enters the elevator on the fifth floor. To that end, I have to give this guy credit. He is the first to give us an idea as to what this particular demon looks like. Again, my advice to him is to take the stairs from now on.

I can not stress enough my contention that you should not attempt this. However, for the sake of disclosure, I have included a link to the instructions for this ritual. If you dare to attempt this, you do so at your own peril. I can not say that it works, but I dare not say it won't. However, I will say that I am quite aware that for every successful story of this ritual, there are many more accounts where it was unsuccessful. The link is below, proceed with absolute caution: